We came across an incredibly talented artist from Ontario, Canada named Beth Pimm who does the most amazing pet portraits. We loved her work so much that we contacted Beth and asked if she’d agree to offer one lucky Purrington Post reader the chance to win a custom portrait of their cat. Great news! She agreed! >^..^<
Here’s a peek at some of her impressive work … all 5 photos below are paintings that Beth did most recently. Three of them are currently hanging in an art gallery in London, Ontario and the other two were done for clients.

Contest Entry Guidelines:
This contest ended on May 25th, 2017 and was available to residents of the United States and Canada only. To enter the contest entrants needed to:
- Submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of the page saying: My cat’s name is [insert your cat’s name] and he/she would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because [your reason]
- Send us a head shot photo of your cat via email to purr [at] thepurringtonpost [dot] com In the email Subject line please type: Beth Pimm Contest Entry
The winner was chosen by the artist from all correct entries and will contacted via email and the portrait of their cat should be completed by the end of June 2017. Enjoy the many wonderful submissions below.
Retail value is approx. $150.00
I’d like to have a picture of my cat fighter I lost her 10 years in June.
I would like to have a picture of my Joyful Grace, she the light of my world and is a very special gift from my sister after I had lost my Charmin. Two beauties inside and out, Charmin lived to be 20 yrs. old. It was a total touching surprise when she got me Joyful <3 Love them all 3, Barbara (Sister) Charmin and Joyful Grace <3
Thank you for concidering Joyful <3
Becky Dayhoff
My cat’s name is Aristides and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits, not only because he’s a handsome fellow, but also because the most playful, intuitive and affectionate cat that ever crossed my life. He’s being a wonderful “uncle” too to our family’s new member, our little girl Mu Mu. He’s my pal and I love him deeply!
My cat’s name is Gabbie Marie and I think she would be a Purrfect kitty for Beth to paint because she was very special and still is to me. I bottle fed her from a baby. She was my daughter she cuddled me and I went to sleep holding her paw. She has been gone since May 2013. I miss her still. I didn’t get her paw prints vet said they sent but I never got them I don’t have great pictures of her but I think if I sent several pictures that an artist could paint her she was a tuxie. Beautiful small and a little plump. She was beautiful inside and out. I hope you will consider her.
My cat’s name is Furry Dude and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because he has small cell lymphoma in his intestinal tract. He gets oral chemo every other week that I have to wear vinyl gloves to handle. His CBC tests and chem panels have been very good, thus far. He was rescued from shelter a few years ago. His former owners were moving and left him there. He’s my source of unconditional love. My Maine Coin/ Siamese boy is my world! We are crazy in love with him!
My cat’s name is Moo Moo and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because he is a survivor. I noticed him one day eating bird food that had fallen around a tree in our back yard. He was emaciated, had very little fur left and, more worrisome, his left leg flopped around uselessly when he walked.
My husband and I were grieving the loss of one of our dogs after a prolonged illness. We were overwhelmed with sadness and were not interested in taking on another pet. Upon seeing Moo though, we knew that we had to help him. He too had also decided we were the ones for him. Although he was very shy to have me approach, if I didn’t see him, he would come out of nowhere if I called and would sit with me in the sun.
We brought Moo into our home. Fast forward, Moo had his leg amputated – his knee had been crushed and
hip dislocated. His back had also sustained nerve damage. Moo was now receiving proper medical care for all his issues. Throughout this, he was a loving cat that blossomed with our love and attention (not to mention crunchies).
We have now had Moo Moo for 8 years. He is a happy, healthy three-legged cat that loves to race around the house. I truly believe he found us, not only to help him, but to help us too. He still comes running out from wherever he’s sleeping whenever I call. He is my Moo.
My cat’s name is Samantha and she would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because she’s my emotional support furbaby, my heart, my soul, my therapist, my best friend!
My little Dallas would make a awesome photo. She’s my little treasure
My cat’s name is Sherlock and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because he is one of the handsomest cats I’ve every owned. He has a gray tiger striped body, white socks on all four paws and a white blaze with mottled nose that gives him a very happy, inquisitive expression.
My cat’s name is Max but he purrfurs Buddy and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because he is so special! He’s a rescue that got 4 years ago and it took us a year and a half to integrate him with our two existing kitties. It was such a long road but so worth it! He sleeps with me every night. He has the most expressive face I’ve ever seen in a cat!
My kitten’s name is Maggie. She is only 4 months old but she has given me and my kids all kinds of joy. My husband died of cancer 7 months ago, and we have been filled with sadness and emptiness. One day, just on an impulse, I thought about the wonderful cats I had had when I was young. My late husband loved cats but he was allergic to them. I talked to my daughter about getting a cat and she responded with so much excitement. When we saw Maggie, there was no turning back. She is a beautiful tortie with the sweetest disposition. She has filled our hearts with love.
I’ve had Wilson for 11 years. My friend Erik dragged me to the Calgary SPCA. I was in a real bad place in my life. I went into a room with 4 kittens. This special one climb on my leg, and put his head in my armpit and started to purr.
I tried to put him down just to have him climb on my leg again. He picked me and helped me.
I can say he saved my life.
My cat SnowBaby would be a perfect cat for a portrait! She’s loving & regal. She’s two years old, quite a beauty.
My cat’s name is Peppermint and she would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because she lives in a busy house with two human brothers, a dog sister and a dog brother and she puts up with all of that chaos!. She is protective of our home and the people (and pack) that she loves. She is a little on the grouchy side, but that’s just because she is small and needs you to know that she is underfoot. She comes in to say goodnight to everyone in the family and also wakes us up with her tickly whiskers and voracious purr. She is extremely pretty and would make a beautiful subject for any portrait.
The cat I am entering’s name is TiTi – short for Nefertiti and she would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because her Mom, my best friend, has just fought (and won!) her second courageous battle with cancer. They had to be separated for a while while her Mom underwent treatment and a long hospital stay, but when they got back together you could see how much they missed each other! TiTi is a beautiful girl with a loving soul and she would love to give her brave Momma a beautiful portrait of herself to say ‘Thanks for fighting so hard’
My Cat Gabby would be great for Beth to paint because she truly is an answer to prayers! She is the most loving cat I have ever had and I’ve had several in my lifetime. After tragically losing my Cat Cali of 13 years due to Renal Failure I could not stop crying after losing her so quickly to that horrible disease. So my friends convinced me to immediately go out and adopt and they helped me with the funds. So I found this picture of a rescue kitten on Craigslist go figure and then I received a text with a picture of a sign to adopt kittens. I called the number mid conversation the woman said are you the girl who just lost her cat to renal failure.. Gulp Um Yes infact I did she said we are holding that kitten you wrote about on Craigslist for you, so it was meant to be we both agreed. I picked her up and she never stopped purring and loving me , she truly saved me even though I know she had a rough start herself being dumped off at a shelter at just a few days old! I’m so blessed by this angel.
My cats Thing 1 and 2 would be the perfect cats to draw because they are very expressive and you can easily catch a picture perfect with both of them.
My furrbabys name was Harlow. She was a silver shaded persian with amazing aqua eyes. She passed 3 weeks ago after a lifetime battle with congenital kidney failure. I drove 4 states to adopt Harlow from a rescue. She had been abandoned on a sidewalk at a shopping mall when her owner was made aware of her diagnosis.
She would be the purrrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because she was a fighter and loved life with her new family. She managed to endure her last year of life with blood transfusions and daily IV fluids. The entire time she cared for our wellbeing as much as we did hers. She held the brightness in her eyes as reflected in this picture until the very end. She had spunk. We miss her immensely. Thank you.
My cat’s name is/was Payton and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because I was visiting a good friend & pet foster in Illinois and absolutely fell in love with him at first sight! He was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen & had very unique stripes/fur pattern. I later flew from/to Boston to get him & his buddy Phantom. After a few weeks, Payton was that he had FIP, which is uncurable. Eventually I had to put him down & it was one of the saddest day of my life. I plan on getting him tattooed once I can afford it & also adopting more cats/kittens ASAP.
I will email a few pictures that will surely melt your heart. Thanks!
My cat’s name is Bing Bong and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because he came to us very little, he lived in the street and we adopted him, quickly became a very important part of the family, shortly after living with us he had a problem in his digestive system and had to be operated, he recovered very well. He is very affectionate with us and behaves very well, recently we adopted a kitten and he has been in charge of making her feel very happy in the house, playing with her and taking care of her.
This Is Romeo My Precious Maine Coon Kitty Who Passes Away Two Years Ago. He Had The Most Beautiful Bright Green Eyes I Have Ever Seen. I Found Him Outside My Back Door One Day. He Was About A Year Old. He loved To Nurse On My Sweater And A Stuffed Panda. He Had Heart Disease At 10 Years Old. I Miss Him Very Much. I Will E-mail Pictures Of Him.
My cat’s name is Jelly Bean and she would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because she is an ordinary tabby who kept me alive during a very dark time in my life.
My Name is Big Boy Rossi and I would be purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because I’m beautiful, loving and…..
I was rescued by my mama at only 6 weeks old,
I was small I was hungry and I was freezing cold
She gave me some food and some warm kitty milk
and put my in a bed that-sure felt like silk
She soon got me healthy and really big and strong
And with 4 fur siblings nothing could ever go wrong
I would really love to see my painting upon my mamas wall
and show everyone that rescue cats are just as cool
So me and my mama are just going to sit here waiting
And see if we’re the lucky winner of your beautiful painting
My 🐈 name is Nelson, AKA Nelly. He is a Russian blue , 4 yrs old and is an amputee as well as a intestinal tract infection. He is a survivor just like his mom. I survived inflammatory breast cancer at age 32. He has the personality too.
My cats name is Digby, he is no longer with us, he passed away 6 years ago and I would treasure a portrait of him.
My kitty is named Huxley. He is on instagtam with the handle hux_the_tux
He would be a great subject because his eyes are so full of personality and he has the most beautiful symmetrical tuxedo coat. He’s a big boy with a bit of a belly and would make a great addition to our gallery wall!
My furbaby is named Rocco and he is a great subject for a painting because of his curious nature and fun personality. He is the best friend a person could have — he’s the best!
I would love to win a portrait of Chloe because I feel that he eyes are soulful and that she is so beautiful.
Thank you,
My cat’s name is Derp and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because he’s uniquely derpy looking, as his name suggests, and he would provide the opportunity for Beth to paint a kitty that doesn’t just look like all the others.
My cat’s name is Leo and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because he was rescued from under the interstate bridge by my daughter, who left for college a month later (LOL) . Leo was a dirty flea infested kitten who now is a regal prince… and he knows it !
My cats name is Mema AKA. Miss Moo , She is a 6 1/2 yr. old Orange Tabby. Mema would be a great model for one of Beth’s portraits because Mema is like a pint sized Lady. She is very vocal and greets people at the dining room table like the Queen. She is told not to do something she talks back, you talk about her being Naughty to company and she turns and glares at you. I got Mema from a lady who had several feral cats on her property. She was 5 weeks old . She started out as a tiny spitting and hissing teeny tiger to the beautiful, and smart ,and loving companion and love of my life .
My cat’s name is Indie and he would be the purrfect subject for one of Beth’s portraits because he has an amazing story. Indie was a rescue kitty who was found behind a dumpster when he was just 5 weeks old. His rescue mom was a busy college student who, after a couple years, could no longer give him the care and attention he deserved and had to move out of state. Indie hates moving and does not do well with long trips so she decided to put an ad out and re-home Indie so he could have a loving, stable environment. This is when my husband and I found Indie. I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and adopting Indie has been one of the best things that could have happened for me. He is our first pet together and I love laying my head on him and listening to his purr. We have had him three weeks now and he has warmed up to his new home surprisingly quickly. He loves being brushed, having his belly rubbed, watching the squirrels from the window, and watching basketball games on TV. We have recently discovered that he is part Russian Blue. Which fully explains his personality and why he has super soft double-coat blueish-gray fur and green eyes. Indie loves to play fetch and watch everything around them from a height without feeling the need to be involved with what they’re observing. It also explains why he is intelligent, affectionate, loyal, and in tune with the emotions of others around him. We would be thrilled to have a painted portrait of him!
This is our cat Friend! Yes, his name is Friend. Of late though, he is also known as Frank.
It’s a long story… You will see him as you walk by our house, as his favourite spot to sit is against our bay window. Everyone asks what his name is and we say, “Friend,” they reply, “what?” Again, we say, “Friend.” Still not understanding, we then say, “his name is Frank,” to which they reply, “that’s an odd name!”