Top Cat Back from Retirement?

Top Cat enlists the help of Benny on the violin to give his sob story that extra little emotion, and it certainly seems to work.  The ad ends with Officer Dibble finding the gang back in town, this time living in a luxury multi-storey trash can.


Not all feedback from this ad has been positive.  There’s been a lot of criticism (mostly on Twitter) poking fun at the advert.  Given that TC is a garbage-dwelling criminal, many viewers felt that made him not the typical ‘luxury home buyer’ who could (or should) qualify for a mortgage.

Anyway, lighten up folks!  It’s an entertaining ad which we thought was a clever and fun.  What do you think?  Here’s the ad:

Below are a couple of the actual non-TV media ads – a billboard and branch sign.



If you’re interested in seeing just how the ad was made, you’ll enjoy this ‘behind the scenes’ look at the making of video ad:


One Response

  1. Hillary June 8, 2016

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