We were so excited to come across this remarkable new book called The Cat ~ it’s a comprehensive, richly illustrated exploration of the natural and cultural history of this much-loved pet. Filled with surprising facts, The Cat will enchant anyone with an interest in, or a love for, these ameowzing animals.
This is truly a quintessential ‘must have’ reference book for any ailurophile (cat lover) that features clear and accessible text plus infographics, diagrams, and some 250 stunning color photographs.

Of all the domesticated species, cats have enjoyed the most complex relationship with people—one that still leads to arguments about whether you can truly call the cat asleep by your fire “tame.”
With chapters on Evolution & Development, Anatomy & Biology, Society & Behavior, and Cats & Humans this book takes different angles on matters feline, offering rich information and valuable insights.

Topics include kitten development, the hierarchy of cats, how cats think, communication between cats and people, historic and extinct breeds, the challenges facing cats today and how we can help, and much, much more.
The book also features a visually stunning photographic directory of more than forty popular breeds, with essential information about each.

Included is an in-depth discussion of behavior, including social organization, communication, courtship, and learning. Also covered are anatomy and physiology, including mobility, predation skills, and the genetics of coat colors.

We’re excited to announce a contest where five lucky Purrington Post readers will each WIN a copy of The Cat (a $27.95 retail value).
* Contest Details
This contest ends on April 22nd, 2020 and is available to U.S. residents only. To enter you simply need to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
I own [enter quantity] cats and their names are [enter your cats’ names]. I would love to win this book because [enter your reason]
The 5 winners will be chosen from all the correctly submitted entries by the publishing team for Princeton University Press and contacted by email on or around April 29th, 2020.
Be creative. Have fun with your entry, and of course, good luck!
For more details on The Cat please see => https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691183732/the-cat
I have 3 cats, Sassy, Sally and Zimmy. They comfort me in these troubled times. I would like to win because cats are wonderful creatures loving, playful and great lap sitters.
I own 4 cats and their names are Delta, Luna, Gracie and Binx. I would love to win this book because I’d love to understand their heritage, the way they act the way they do…just the ‘history’ of cats. I love them like my kids.
We are owned by 6 cats. Evie, Finn, Okolo, Roarke,
Sebastian, and Kian. I would love to add this book
to our cat library because we are all about everything CAT in our house.
I own 2 cats and their names are Gideon and Xena . I would love to win this book because the more I know about them, the better I can care for them. I am learning to paint cats, and this book would be an immense reference for cat structure, coloring, and features.
I own one cat and their name is Kitty. I would love to win this book because even though I have owned cats my whole life, I don’t know as much about them as I should. I’d like to know more about their history, behavior, and how to keep them healthy. I would also like to win this book because it just looks like it would be fun to just sit down and browse through it and unplug for a while.
I have always shared my 64 years with furry feline family members. My current companions are 11-year-old brothers who were rescues. Nigel is 1/2 Maine Coon with orange and white tuxedo markings . His brother is a
Morris the cat” orange tiger marked tabby.
I have read many books on cats over the years, however, this one has some information that is new to me.
I would be amazed if I were to win a copy because, first, I have never won anything before, and second, I really want a copy of this book.
I own 1 cat and his name is Raider. I would love to win this book because …I love cats and ENJOY cat books ….
I own 4 cats and their names are Chewy, Cheetoh, Tank and Kong. I would love to win this book because I love to try and understand my cats : )
I own 5 pawsome cats and their names are Cleo, Louie, Rocky, Loki and Martin. I also have a few foster cats. I would love to win this book because cats are my life. They keep me going in this stressful time the world is experiencing. Plus I run a cat rescue/sanctuary so this book would give me insight about the best in the world: CATS!
I own 5 cats and their names are Brady, Isabel, Jonas, Jaxx, and Max (really, they own me). I would love to win this book because they have recently expressed an interest in my learning more about them as a species, so that I can take better care of them.
I own 4 cats and their names are Gem, Mozart, Noodles and Almond. I would love to win this book because I have always been a cat owner, rescuer and advocate. My Mozart is 20 years old and was just at the vet with excellent blood work results. I am fascinated by his amazing health and how he has outlived everyone else!
I own 4 cats and their names are Rucker, Mira, Hewitt & Tori. I would love to win this book because the cats all agree I have so much more to learn about kitties.
I own 5 cats and their names are: Annabelle, Ren, Emi, Yumi, and Pippa. I would love to win this book because, after reading it, I could donate it to the cat rescue where I volunteer.
I own 10, yes 10, cats. Five are feral rescues (Boots, Sissy, Momma, Pepper, Little Boy) that I am slowly gaining trust to get them spayed/neutered and if they choose to live free, I’ll be here to support them. I also have 5 inside cats, (Patches, Miss Kitty, Buddy, Willow, Ginger) ALL rescues, that bring me joy with their personalities. Of those five, two are severely inbred, (Willow & Ginger) but I had them spayed and they are strictly indoor cats. Patches is also their grandmother. They love their dog big brother Bear, a mini Australian Shepherd.
Tarifa, Suha, and Elvis are our beloved feline family members. No one is “owned” here. I would like to win this book because I would like to read it and see how factual it is. Just because scientists from a university write a book does not mean it is factual. Hopefully this one is. Thank you.
I own 1 cat and his name is Spunk. I would love to win this book because even though I’ve had cats all my life, you can never learn too much about cats. Thank you.
I own 2 cats and their names are Jack and Penny. I would like to win this book because I have been a cat owner for 35 years.
I own 3 cats and their names are Tic-Tac Marie, Magic & Meowy. I would love to win this book because I find all cats fascinating.
I own 5 cats and their names are: Molly, Gizmo, Nemo, Leo and Toby. I would love to win a copy of the book so that I can learn more about cats. All five cats were found outside and we brought them into our home.
I own one cat and his name is Milky. I would love to win this book because me and Milky could sit together on the couch and I could read it to him. He loves being close to me.
I would love to have a copy of this book which would bring me closer to my daughter Stacy and her passion for the cat world.
I own two cats and their names are Dexter and Gracie. I would love to win this book because I am both a bibliophile and an ailurophile, and combining philes is fun.
I own 1 cats and their names are Boo. I would love to win this book because my 12 year old daughter is a cat lady and loves reading and learning about them.
I own 4 cats and their names are Boris, Jonesey, Batman & Gypsy. I would love to win this book because I want to learn as much about cats as I can to better care for them.
I own 7 cats and their names are Hershey, Bear, Princess Fiona Fuzzy Paws, Mia, Alexandra and J.J. I would love to win this book because I love to learn new things about cats and in addition to our cats we foster. We need all the help we can get. lol
We currently have only one cat …a rescued Siamese called Bella. In the past we’ve have had several cats, but just last year the oldest remaining one, our beautiful Shadow, had to be euthanized at 21 with various debilitating conditions. Our new beauty is very much helping us to cope with being mostly inside now. We’ve only had her 2 months & she’s still adjusting, although she’s showing us that she loves to play, particularly with a fluffy wand. I would love to win this book as I love learning more about these enigmatic creatures.
I own 5 cats, or do they own me??!, and their names are Tillie, Pippi, Bea, Penny and Hank. I would love to win this book because I’ve had cats all my life, and am also my city’s voted “Best Cat Sitter” and would love to read more on something I’m very passionate about! Two of my cats are blind (Tillie and Hank) and all 5 are rescues. All of them even have their own facebook pages! 🙂 I’m THAT cat mom. 🙂
I own 2 cats and their names are Boots & Sophie. I would love to win this book because I have always been interested in cats and their origins
I own 3 cats and their names are Miss Waikiki, Pele and Honolulu. I would love to win this book because I really love cats and always want to learn more about cats.
I own 4 cats, and their names are Felicity, Camry, Vanna & Barnaby.
I would love to win this book because I work with our area coalition of animal rescue organizations, and one of our community outreach programs is going into all the schools with cat & dog education & awareness days for the students and their families.
I own 1 cat (or she owns me!) and her name is Ezmarelda (or Ezzy, EzEz, EzzyCat). I would love to win this book because she is the first cat I’ve ever had and I am now smitten and in love! I would love to have this book to learn more about them and their origins in this world.
I own 1 cat and her name is Lucy.
I would love to win this book because Lucy will be 18 next month and the more we know the better we can make her senior time – she makes our time with her great.
I have two cats that own me. Their names are Smoky and Shyla. I would love to win this book. I have had cats ever since I was a little girl. I am interested in everything cat. My friends call me the cat lady and my house looks like a shrine to cats.
I have two cats, Montecore and Sprocket. I would love to win this book because continuing to learn about cats as a whole will help me improve the lives of my own cats.
I own a geriatric cat and her name is Inky. We’ve had six cat over the years. I would love to win this book because I have so many books on dogs (over 1,000) and would love to add to my cat book collection (maybe 25?).
Elizabeth Whalen April 8, 2020
I have one cat named Sunshine. She will be 16 August 1st of this year; she is healthy and active and has meant so much to me in recent years. I have cancer and this cat has provided me with so much comfort, after my chemo treatments. I would love to have this book to read and learn about cats, while I sit with my Sunshine, looking at the birds outside.
I own 1 cat and her name is Cathy. I would love to win this book because I want to learn more about cats as I really love them and want to adopt more in the future! My whole family also loves cats and I’d like to share this book with them.
I have one cat named Angel. I have always had cats and dogs and love reading about them. Angel understands everything that is said, so I can read this to her as well. When I read to her I love seeing her reactions.
I own 1 cat and his name is Oliver.. I would love to win this book because I love to learn and read and Oliver can be next to me when I am reading this book.
I have one, very precious cat, and her name is Cinnamon Girl. I would love to win this book because I love cats and, if my landlord allowed it, Cinnamon Girl would have several kitten and cat siblings!
I would also love to win this book because I’m always looking for information about cats and their behavior. I love cats so much—especially My Cinnamon Girl!
I own 2 cats (but live with 4 total) and their names are Mozzie and Tortie. I would love to win this book because I am total a cat nerd! I love reading everything I can find on cats; I am a teacher, and a life long learner. Love breaking the cat lady stereotype with my students!
I own four cats and their names are Chloe, Simba, Misty, and Callie. I would love to win this book because I love cats and have had at least one in my life since I was seven years old, and I would like to understand them better!
I own 5 cats and their names are Pooky, Elsa, Olaf, BingBong, and Mal. I would love to win this book because I enjoy learning about cats and history. Reading interesting books is a hobby of mine.
I own one cat and his name is Luda. I would love to win this book because Luda thinks I need an owners’ manual so I can provide him with superior customer service.
I own 2 cats, Cocoa and Beans, and have had cats since the day I was born. (My parents got a kitten 6 weeks before I emerged into the world.) I would love to win this book so I could give it to my friend who just took in a rescue cat (Barney) who is 8 years old, plus has feline leukemia. She wants to give the sweet kitty the best life possible.
I own 14 cats and their names are Anya, Bentley, Collette, Duncan, Ellie, Gonzo, Heather, Heidi, Luigi, Mitzie, Murphy, Sasha, Schubert and Wanda. My foster Lucy was just adopted to her furever family two days ago! I would love to win this book because with as many as own me, I can’t learn too much about them!
Fourteen…I’d be in Heaven…🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐾💜🕊🌎
I own 1 cat and her name is Kitty. I would love to win this book because Kitty says “Yay to scholarly coolness and beautiful cat-focused book design!”
John Smith, I replied to you…however the reply is listed under Shelley Reigers, the person who replied for contest below you…it’s the second one. Oops…🤭
I live with 2 kitties, Keri (calico) and Loki (Russian Blue/Mix) nobody owns kitties we share our lives with them b/c we love them.
Yes, Shelley, I agree that we don’t “own” cats (they own us, ha!), but that we have chosen to share our lives together (for the full life of the cats). Like you, I had Russian blue/light mix (.?). Their fur is so soft & Calicos are like art, to me. My niece has a very interesting mix of calico and black fur. #CatsRuleDogsDrool (sorry 🐶, love you, too). Enjoy them! 🐱🐾💜🐱🐾💜🕊🌎☮️
I’ve known a few tabby/tiger cats named Kitty & love the name. For fun, listed below are other languages name for cat: Kucing, Malay, Indonesian & Javanese; Gato, Portuguese; Koneko, Japanese; Katt, Swedish; Norwegian; Gatto, Italian; Kottur, Icelandic; Katze, German; Kissa, Finnish; Katu, Basque; Cica, Hungarian; Chat, French & Haitian Creole; Pusa, Filipino; Paka, Swahili; Kedi, Turkish; Mushuk, Uzbek. As for proper pronunciation, haven’t a clue. 🐱💜🐾☮️🕊🌎😷🌈💞
This reply was for John Smith, the person who replied above you. Oops.🤭
I own two cats and their names are Esme’ and Grizz. I would love to win this book because even though I’ve loved cats since childhood I want to learn more and to pass this book down to my granddaughters so they may learn more about their love of cats as well.
I am the final mom to Boone, the smartest Maine Coon alive today. He got loose as a kitten, ended up having emergency surgery several times to save his right foot and toes. The couple who hit hit brought him to recover where their 3 cats backed Boone into a corner. His screams for help woke everyone and they realized they had to let him go for his own safety. I spent months looking for a Maine Coon but had no luck until that couple reached out to Spay and Save for help. At the end of my search-rope I reached out to the same Spay and Save person a month or so later and the rest as they say…. Boone is fascinated when he sees other cats and we would both enjoy this book.
I own 13 cats and their names are Ethel MeiMei, Gracie Blue Eyes, LaFonda Velveteen, Smokey Teddy Bear, Tiggy Honey Bear, Itty Bitty Bear, Mickey Bunny Rabbit, Minnie Sugar Bear, Angel Baby Bear, Tiger Bobcat, Maxie Monkey, Rosie Posey, and Bowie Babalouie. I would love to win this book because I can never read too much about cats!
Thirteen cats…how wonderful!! 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈❤️🐾🕊
I have one furry guy now, Sam, but usually have ut to 3. Sadly we’ve lost littermate, Molly, who has passed on as has his elder buddy Jack. Sam is so very into his status as “only cat” that I just won’t take that away from him. I’d love to own a copy of this book because everything to do with felines fascinates me and the more I know the better cat mom I can be.
I own one cat (at this exact moment) and her name is Mookah. I would love to win this book because the several cats my children and I have owned in the past decade and a half have been a wellspring of love, rescue (the humans, not the cats!), enchantment, amusement, fascination, comfort and deep connection. There is no such thing as knowing too much about them!
My wife and I currently have six cats, their names are Bean, Cosmo, Ging, Ming, Garry and Gris-Griss. I would love to win this book because, no matter how either of us feel on any particular day or whatever else has to be done. Each of our cats has a specific daily ritual (play time, food time, jumping on us when we try to sleep) that must be followed to the letter and I’m sure they would see this book as additional evidence as to their importance to our world. Plus I love reading about cats and their history.
I am a registered nurse on the covid unit and the only highlight in my day is when I come home to see my four cats !! Marley , ziggy , sweet pea & pretzel !!
I would like to book so I can figure those little fuckers out 😻😻
Laura & team, thank you for your perseverance when you feel it’s all too much; dedication, yes it takes a special person to choose nursing (or nursing chooses you); selflessness & more as no one but those inside really knows what nurses & all related medical personnel, FD, PD, 1st R, are going through. You’ve chosen lovely names for the cats you share your life with: Marley, Ziggy, Sweet Pea & Pretzel, Yes, keep them in back of your mind knowing that those four pairs of big eyes & singing “meows” are waiting for you to come each day. #WereAllInThisTogether 🌎💞🕊🌈😷
I own 10 cats and their names are Punkie, Norton, Sweet Pea, PaNina, Lenny, Squiggy, Mama Bella, Boomer, Mango and Miss Violet. I would love to win this book because I need verification that I am truly a “Cat Whisperer”…lol! I always love to keep learning things I don’t yet know about these magnificent creatures!
I currently cohabitate with one fabulous cat named Merlin. I would love to win this book because I’m an avid reader, and I would love to learn more about cats! This book looks particularly interesting because it explores the subject from multiple vantage points. Every cat I’ve shared my life with thus far has chosen me, and I’d like to gain more insight so I may continue to be a great choice for a roommate 🙂.
I own 2 fascinating cats and their names are Beaux & Soxx, I am a Great Baseball fan and I love the SF Giants & the Boston Red Sox’s . I would love to win this book because I have been around cats my entire life. My mother had some exotic breeds as I remember growing up. An Abyssinian for one & one of my own favorite was a Maine Coon Cat with his lifelong partner the Calico!
I “own” share a small apt w/one cat now and his name is Auggie; is a Hurricane Irene rescue found’ in Ft. Greene Park, NYC. I like to think I am a part of each cat/kitten’s world that I have made donations, too & all the cats I’ve met all over the world for business travel (& cried over when we’d leave). My motto is, “I’d give my last dollar to a cat!”, and know this will be actioned when it’s my time (whatever little I have). My 1st word was “kid-Keh” (kit kat) & my 1st toy way a Cat stuffed animal (which I still have) & when at age three a tabby cat, we named Frisky, came to live with us. I would love to win this book because both Auggie and I will enjoy it together, though he’s more of a “sleep on the book type”, perhaps that’s how cats read?! 🐱🐾❤️☮️ To the author thx 4 💜’g 🐱!
🆘May I add that during this horrifying time of CoVid, families with pets often are forced to choose between people food & pet food/cat litter. Worse yet, pets are at risk of being surrendered due to financial means.& often drop at “kill shelters“ w/o knowing it. Drop off food, litter, treats at local Food Banks (call 1st). Please take & share w/all the idea of this & if you know anyone who would speak w/Purina, Meow Mix, others plus litter companies OR get creative w/litter (disposable aluminum turkey or smaller roasting pans make for great litter boxes.🆘🌎✡️🌟✝️💞
I have 3 cats and their names are Sophie, Baron, and Kate. I would love to win this book because I am totally enthralled with learning more about cats in general, plus the history and origin of each of the breeds. It’s fascinating how far back they go and all of the folklore about them. I would be so thrilled to have this book sitting by me all the time as I delve further into learning more about my precious kitties. Thank you so much for the lovely giveaway.
I own , or should I be purr-fectly honest, and ‘fess up that she owns meONE SUPER SENIOR CAT, Her name is Spirit Dakota, and she informed me several months ago, that her neighbourhood (Feral Feline Forever friends, Tall-Socks; MacGinger, and Smokey-Raven would really enjoy it if their HuMum would win this book, because HuMums (and HuDads) can always use help learning more about cats. Spirit Dakota, Tall-Socks, MacGinger and Smokey-Raven have all raised their paws & given me their Purrs of approval to enter this contest in order those learn and know more about them.
What a wonderful book. Cats are amazing. Thanks for the chance to win.
I own two cats and their names are Moose and Chiquita. I would love to win this book because it would be great to know more about how they view themselves (and me!).
I own two cats and their names are Madd and Tigg. I would love to win this book because I want to learn more about cats so I can give mine the best life.
I am the amanuensis of two cats, Marlowe and Anna. We would love to win this book because it would help me learn more about these beautiful creatures!
I own one cat and her name is Daisy. I would love to win this book because it looks like an encyclopedia of cats. Also, I love looking at beautiful pictures of the different breeds of cats.
I own 2 cats and their names are Kitty and Kiwi. I would love to win this book because I was instantly drawn to the beautiful photos in the preview above. I would love to learn more about cat breeds and their anatomy.
My human family shares space with 3 Diva long-haired female cats. Their names in their descent of power is, first, the queen Celine (Dion), then Dusty (Springfield), and finally, Tinkerbell (we kept the name she had in the shelter as she’s a timid diva in training) I would love to win this book because these divas are at odds with each other as our oldest, Celine is 16, and the younger 2 are social climbers now and need help with their attitudes!
I own two cats who really own me. Their names are Mimi and BoBo. I would love to win this book for several reasons. First, I have a blog with all kinds of information regarding felines. I also have a Facebook community page called Kitty Tales and a group page called Harry and His Gang, after my book series, Harry the Wonder Cat. I could use the information from the book on all three sites. I could also advertise the book on the sites as well as review for my blog, etc.
Two cats, Domino and Kathleen, own me. In exchange for paying all bills and keeping them in the lap of luxury, they sometimes allow me to read uninterrupted. If I won this book, I would be happy to share it with them while I read it!
I own 17 well-cared for and well loved cats and their names are Brother, Sister, Popeye, Ricci, Storm, Fury, Mama Ninja, Flower, Missy, Fuji Monster, Halona Bologna, Rapha, Loki, Daisy, Sparky, Fancy, and Tigger.. I would love to win this book because I love to learn, I’m interested to see if all the varying personalities and traits of our cats are in the book, and I also collect cat books (I have a curio dedicated to this collection, each book read many times). Thanks for the chance, good luck everyone!
I own three cats and their names are Riki Tiki, Sassy Lassy and Annie Bannanie. I would love to win this book because I am a voracious reader and cats is one of my favorite subjects to read about!
I own 2 cats. Their names are Callie and Lil Baby. They think I need this book because I don’t speak their language. I’m not really sure it will help me learn it but I am willing to give it a try. I feed many feral cats in my neighborhood and have bottle fed many of their babies. I adopted 3 and took them to the vet to get shots and neutered. My nieces and nephews call me the cat lady. I have loved cats all my life
I am the guardian and agent for one cat and his name is Maurito. He is my beloved companion and (unofficial) emotional support animal, as I am to him. I love him with the strength of 100 cat ladies!
I would love to win this book because I am also a CAT NERD, because I’m extremely curious about these magnificent and fascinating creatures. I love to read (for example) about the flehmen reaction that’s tied to their jacobson organ — an auxiliary olfactory organ that we humans don’t have. I’m fascinated by cats’ wrist whiskers which I continue to seek a fuller explanation of. I keep watching my cat to try to understand why he likes to lick and bite plastic bags so much, so now I’m working on my own theory about that. Also several months ago Maurito had some emotional difficulties that seemed like PTSD to me, so I’m especially eager to learn more about cats’ emotional lives and how to best support them when they are experiencing tough times.
Also I just love a pretty cat book! 🐈
I own 6 cats and their names are Scrat, Double, Trouble, Ninja, Monkey, and Lynx. I would love to win this book because I am a total bookworm and have limited books on cats. I do have plenty of horse books though.
I own 2 cats, and, their names are Nikki and Sunny. I would Love to win this book, because I Love reading about cats!!! One can, Never, have enough information!!!!
Stella, and Jasper are my fourth felines. There has been Tippy ( childhood), Desdemona 1 (college life), Desdemona 2 ( married life), Symond ( divorced life), and Stella and Jasper ( content life). From each one I learned from my mistakes in training. Tippy ( outdoor cat), Desdemona 1 ( didn’t get sprayed timely – scented everywhere) Desdemona 1 ( trained by the sound of paper- could not read a newspaper without frightening), Symond ( trained with water – fought a bath when she got into oil) and Stella and Jasper (trained with the sound of compressed air and vision of the can – just show the can and they stop whatever). I also massaged their kitten bodies including their paws ( with claws) so that I could touch them and maneuver them as necessary. I opened their mouths and looked into their ears as kittens so I would not have difficulty giving them meds if need be. I trained them that I was the ALPHA cat and they respond to me as such. I learned these things from my cat books. Now I would like to learn about them as a species.
I own 3 cats and their names are Bashful, Tawny, and Bingo. I would love to win this book because they object to my saying I “own” and want me to learn from the book that I really am only a slave to them.
I own 1 cat and her name is Cali ( she actually owns me). I would love to win this book because Cali is one of a host of cats that I have had in my life who have and continue to have a wonderful impact in my life.
I own two cats and their names are Ava June and Ramses, plus have a stray cat who comes by I named Orange Fluff. I would love to win this book because cats are fascinating, are incredibly smart, and I plan to always have cats as pets.
I own 2 cats and their names are Lila and Arthur. I would love to win this book because I find the biological history of the domestic cat and its intertwining with human cultural evolution fascinating.
The two cars that own me (LOL) are Willow and Birch. They will be 3 yrs. old this August and my house is so lively again. I had three seniors for years and didn’t want to rock their lives bringing in anyone new. Two of them were very frightened of loud noises and having them almost 15 years and giving them a home to settle and be able to be comfortable with me, was what I feel they needed. Bobbie had been hyperthyroid for two years and had blood work in January and was in kidney failure. She turned 18 that April. I knew it was coming as I had a couple others with the same illnesses.Pretty sure she was going to go first, but in February Toes was losing weight and not acting right. Vet found a mass in abdomen, more than likely lymphoma and I gave him a few weeks, but he wasn’t himself and never would be, so I helped him go to be with all my others from over the years. Then in May, his litter mate brother Pigeon, started to not be himself and noticed his ab was distended. When the vet pulled some fluid off his belly, it was full of lymphocytes. I decided to let him go while in the appointment because he was clearly suffering. Never thought I would put my boys down that close together in time, nor with the same disease. My Bobbie girl made it to August and when she wasn’t herself anymore I helped her go. A couple years prior to all this, I had taken my dad’s farm dog, Harley, as mom could no longer take care of him since she was by herself and he was the only thing I had left of my dad since he passed a few yrs. earlier. Eventually mom decided to go to an assisted living home and one brother moved back to the farm several months after. I loved Harley and he never showed me anything but love right back, but he wasn’t suited to be an indoor dog all the time, like when I went to work. I found out he was barking all the time
i was gone and had done a little woodwork damage to a window sill. I refuse to give a dog medicine to calm them down when he was only unhappy he’s been left alone. After a few months, I decided he would go back to live on the farm with my brother and he was back to his normal life. But in September, he didn’t show up for breakfast one morning and we never found him. He was a big black lab that was 14 or 15 and it was heartbreaking. I had lost every one of my pets from February to September and I kind of fell apart. I had already decided in August that I would take at least one of the kittens a coworker had been bottle feeding and I’m so glad. I have the two that biggest cuddle bug babies I think I’ve ever had. When I worked for the veterinarian I started with, it was usually said that bottle babies end up being some of the most difficult cats. This brother sister duo are total opposite of what I was taught and I’m so thankful for them every day.
I’m the owner of (2) cats, Marvin & Queen, Marvin is a silver tabby and Queen is a siamese.Both kats are 8 years old and were raised together from 🐱 kittens, they get along very well and are playful and very intelligent. They really act like humans and they try to talk and it comes out in a “purrfect” language! My family and I enjoy both of them very, very much! They are FAMILY!! I would like to win the book so I can find out more about my cats and also teach my children about cats and then thay will understand more about cats! Thank-you for this great offer, CATS ARE SUPER!!!!!!🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱
I own 1 cat and his name is Hunter Ray and we both would love to win this book because we can snuggle in bed together while I read and learn more intriguing facts about my handsome boy. Thanks for the opportunity😻
own five cats and their names are Bali, Lily, Jack, Dave, and Clover. I would love to win this book because caring for cats has truly become my passion, and I always love learning more. The information I’ve gathered over the years has caused how I care for my cats to constantly evolve and improve. Knowing how cats came to be and why they are the way they are is crucial in making decisions around their care and interpreting their behavior. Most days, I see something that makes me wonder “why are they doing that?” The more I can understand about my cats, the healthier they are and the closer we become. On occasion, I foster kittens, and it’s been truly eye opening. It suddenly makes more sense when my adult cats knead a blanket or bury their food after raising small kittens with and without mother cat’s help. It’s amazing how much is nature vs. nurture.
My cat Penuche who owns me, would love to win a copy of this book. She would love to learn more about her ancestors. She has been one of the joys of my life. Also we sit and read every day and she would like to find out more about her Burmese breed.
I own 2 cats and their names are Athena and Coal. I would love to win this book because I Love learning about cat behavior
I own 2 cats and their names are Kit and Caboodle. I would love to win this book because I’ve always had cats and am interested in continuing with their training.
I own 2 cats and their names are Valentine and Vanya. I would love to win this book because I have always felt a lifelong connection with felines. While I am an overall animal lover, the nature and wildness of cats has always been an attraction to felines. I also have an additional outdoor cat, Jack, that nobody owns, however he owns us, having appeared on our deck 5+ years ago as a feral; he now is semi-feral, has learned to enjoy the human touch and continues to live in a shelter on our deck enjoying being well fed and cared for, neutered, receiving necessary shots. My life is so much better because of cats!
I own 6 cats and their names are Rocky. Monkey, Mama Grey, Pepper, Brownie and Gretel . I would love to win this book because I always want to do the best for them and want to learn all I can to make their lives healthier and happier.
I am owned by two rescue cats – Laszlo, a 6 year old house panther and his little buddy Beau, a 3 year old all grey cat. I would like to win this book as my life is all about CATS. Besides owning an online cat boutique where we donate a portion of every sale to cat rescue, I publish a blog dedicated to holistic and sustainable living for cats for over 3 years now as seen through the eye of a passionate cat parent. FYI – Laszlo is the face and the voice of the blog! This book would be an ameowzing reference book for me to further deep-dive into the history of cats and how we can help them live their best life!
I own three cats, and their names are Rudy, Ellie, and Zero. I would love to win this book because cats are fascinating, and I love learning all about them. And, heaven knows, during this time of stay-at-home isolation, some good reading is always welcome.
3 cats rule the roost in my 2 dog house!
Champ, feisty Fiona and Rudy!
I have two Maine Coon mix rescues and I love them so much! Coming from a person who subscribes to Cat Fancy (even when I didn’t have a cat), I’d love to get a copy of this!
I own two cats and their names are Bailey and Kiki. I would love to win this book because not only would I enjoy it but these two cats love it when I read to them. I am sure by now they are in at least the second grade. lol
I am currently owned by a Maine coon
I own two cats and their names are Willow & Anya. I would love to win this book because cats are fascinating and wonderful creatures that are both the most aloof and loving of any pets. They shape who we are as people and bring comfort when we need it. A cat’s purr and squint is one of the most endearing acts and show of love and trust.
I own six cats and their names are Maggie, Cindy, Beans, Orange Kitty, Tiggy, and Bobo. I would love to win this book because I love cat books and this one looks so well written and beautifully designed.
i own 3 caths qwa ta’e and onnaeix and this book will improve my relationship with my furchildren n help me 2 b the best cat mama i can b 2 my children thxs 4 the opt 2 win have a purrsome and safe wk dy n nte
I am owned by two wonderful kitties. Bo and Tasha are littermates who choose us to come home with and I am so glad they did. Bo says that he wants his mommy to win this book so she has something to do when they are napping and don’t need to be petted for a while. 😻
I “own” 2 cats and their names are Fredrick and Asher. I would love to win this book because ideally I’d like to have a mini library of cat books to feed my obsession. I can also read to my fur children about their cultural roots and empower them with all the cat knowledge to be even better than they already are.
Thank you for your consideration.
I am owned by 4 cats and their names are Raina, Topaz, Jake and Ali. I would love to win this book because they think I need to learn how to properly worship them.
I own 8 cats and their names are Harley, Jake, Rusty, Carly, Remi, Emma,Skylar and Willow. I would like to win this book because no matter how many cats you have there is always something new to learn.
I own 8 cats and their names are Baxter,Oreo,Grace,Harry,Stormy,Misty,Boo Boo, and Floyd. I would love to win this book because of my thirst to learn anything about cats. I want all my cats to live long and be as healthy as they can. The different breeds are something I always love to find out about, I guess that’s a crazy cat lady! When a go to Amazon for a book, cats are what I look for. It would be great to win this book, it’s actually the very books I love.
Thank you for reading this..
I own 2 cats and their names are Snow and Zima. I would love to win this book because we enjoy reading to further our education to benefit out animal activism and rescue efforts.
I own 5 cats and their names are Sammy, Midnight, Moonlight, Star, and Alize. I would love to win this book because my cats, and I, would love to learn about cats! Cats are my passion and this would be an amazing opportunity to learn more about them!
I have three cats penny ,grinder and squeaks and would love to win this book
I own 25 cats and their names are Zorro, Midnight Star, Odette, Destiny, Minuette, Fireheart, Mist Flower, Nightshade, Stormshadow, Princess Amun RaHotep, Orion, Margot, Shafira, Noodle, Morning Glory, Jake Blues, Elwood Blues, Scatman C., Purrla, Daisy, Osiris, Hapi, Prince, Charm and Nefertari. I would love to win this book because the cats think they are quite superior to me and they constantly tell me that I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to cats but if I had the book, I could open it and show them that I really do know what I’m talking about!
I parent seven cats. Their names are Lula,Peaches,Oliver, Tiger,Sassy, Chippy and Lilo. I would love to win this book so I can be the mom all cats dream of and making their dreams come true is my goal in life. We are a happy fur family with two toy-size dogs with giant size personalities and a pond of fish as well. And frogs….and the wild birds including some very large ones! We prefer to stay inside where it’s safe and warm. My children are hoping we get to cuddle while mommy readsThe book in her comforter chAir.
I own 3 cats and their names are: Drazel Wright Cox, Anna Velaura Cox and Luna Lovegood Cox . I would love to win this book because I adore cats. I love reading about them.
I own 4 cats and their names are Marble, Abby, Cammy, and Bill. I would love to win this book because cats are amazing animals. I love them! Thank you
I own 6 cats and their names are brother and sister Little Bear and Puffi (Bear is a doofus and Puffi is a “valley girl”), Myusha, who is a laid-back foundling, Sparkey who is a super lounger, Yona, who is an anti-social fraidy cat, and last but definitely not least is BB-8 who thinks her human “dad” is the best climbing tree. I would love to win this book because it might give me insight on my fur-kids purrsonality difference.
I own 3 cats and their names are Kaci, Luke, and Vince. I would love to win this book because I love learning things about cats. There is always so much information and a book would be nice.
I am owned by 5 cats Spicey 17 on Easter day, Groucho Marx 13 , Ms Cutie 10, Sawyer Brown 3 & the feral Mini-me 3 outside. I would love to win this Cat book so I could read it to my fur babies and show them the cat pictures. All but the feral cat mini-me sleeps with me so reading to them would be nice and snuggling with the cats and new cat book would be nice too. 😺😻😽
I own 3 cats and their names are Oliver, Fangs and Raven. I would love to win this book because I LOVE CATS ♥♥♥
I live with 6 cats and have always been a cat lover. I learned from my mom! I work in academic publishing as an editor in philosophy, religion, and cultural studies and would love to have this book, which combines my personal and professional interests.
This would be a Wonderful addition to my Library! This looks like an Amazing, detailed book all about the Feline World!! I would be thrilled to own this! My Husband and I own 11 cats, 2 of them are Exotics. We cannot imagine a world without the pitter patter of Kitty Paws around our home! Our lovely home consists of, 2 Orange Tabby’s (Mandarin and Tiger Lily), one handsome Black Kitty (Hiroshi), 2 Black and White Tuxedo’s ( Mr. Pepper and Chyna Lin) 1Gray Tortie (Zoe), 1 Maine Coon (Winston), 1 Gray Tabby ( Daisy May Jane), 1 Calico ( Callie Koko) and 1 Savannah ( Morimoto) and 1 African Caracal ( Faith Ann). we have a very large home and quite a big happy Family! a lot of work, but we wouldnt have it any other way!!! Thank you very much!
I am the pet parent of four cats Buddy, Buster, Rusty and Cleo. They feel that I need this book to better understand them and their needs!!
I own 2 cats and their names are Misty,a long hair seal point Ragdoll, and Butters a muted torti, both females.. I would love to win this book because my coffee table is crying. A new interesting book would exciting for me and comforting for the table.
I am owned by 2 sweet cats, Ginger and Comet, both age 10. are [enter your cats’ names]. I would love to win this book because I rescue cats and would like to have as much information as possible about kitties.
I have two delightful cats who are my beloved kids. Their names are Rosie and Purr. I would love to win this book because Rosie and Purr want me to understand them and their heritage as much as possible, and I find cats fascinating and would love to learn more about them.
I own 5 cats and their names are [Smokey, Chesney, Gandolfini, Jakey, Halloween ]. I would love to win this book because I love learning about them.
I am a cat mom to two beautiful and sweet felines. Their names are Carlea and Cloudi. I would love to win this book because I’m a bibliophile and ailurophile. I also can’t get enough of books about all things cat. They form most of my collection.
I am owned by several cats -Bj and Tawny and Theodore and Autum and Tara.-a-copy of this book would not only be-a-pleasure-but would help-me to take CARE of them better.
I own 2 cats and their names are Dorothy and Quincy. I would love to win this book because I’m interested in learning more about my strange roommates.
I own 10 cats they are all rescue and sad ones that just showed up, their names are Peeka, Cheeky, Choo Choo, Roo, Fuzz, Nibby, Rubert, Bigglesworth, Orangie, and Wuzzby. I would love a copy of his book so i can read to them, and learn more about my special friends.