We did a post about 18 months ago on one of our favorite cat illustrators – a very talented lady named Landysh who creates the most delightful, insightful and downright adorable cat-toons. It seemed time to share it again for those readers who haven’t yet seen her work.
Landysh started the Lingvistov project (an English school and an online store) that has since become wildly popular due to her enchanting illustrations about cats, sleep, food, relationships and life in general.

Many of you will likely recognize her work as Lingvistov illustrations have appeared in many highly popular magazines around the world. Landysh and her team’s motto is to make people laugh, and they’ve certainly succeeded with us! Her drawing style is clean, unfettered and based on lines and contrasting colors.

Landysh has a cat named Augustus who is her muse and many of her works are based on life with him. Landysh and August {photo below) both live and work in Russia.

We had the pleasure to speak with Landysh and she was kind enough to offer 3 lucky Purrington Post readers the chance to win either a book, T-shirt or their new 2018 calendar. The contest is now over, but please enjoy our Q & A with Landysh.
How many of the illustrations you create are based on your life or the lives of your friends/colleagues?
Most of the illustrations that feature cats are based on my own big fluffy cat Augustus who I justifiably call my muse. When I sit down to draw, I first start thinking about the funny things he’s done that day. And he never fails to disappoint. The illustrations about lazy weekends and coffee are based on some of my friends who are very picky about their coffee and who I can never reach on their phones on Saturdays and Sundays because they’re sleeping (till 3pm!).
I don’t have any experience with dogs, so I also have to rely on my friends who have them. Comics and Illustrations are (at least for me) very much about being attentive: you watch people and pets, notice some funny things and try to draw them. So I’d say my illustrations are based on my observations.
Do you ever run out of material?
I can run out of non-cat material – definitely. With cats – never. When I don’t have any ideas, I just draw cats and funny cat comics till I have inspiration to do other stuff.
Is there a particular cat illustration that you would say is exactly like you and Augustus?
I have this comics where a girl is “playing” with her cat but in fact the cat is watching her play by herself. That’s what happens almost everyday in my house. He might lazily – and obviously not even getting up – bite the toy but mostly it’s just me running around him with his toys trying to make him at least mildly interested. Meanwhile he looks at me, then yawns and falls asleep. It’s sometimes quite insulting. (photo – below left). One of our highly relatable scenarios is captured in the illustration below right).
What’s the funniest (or naughtiest) thing that Auggy has ever done?
August doesn’t like change. Once we gave our old sofa to our neighbors for their country house. So he spent the whole day and night walking around the place where the sofa had been, meowing and demanding it back. He’s also quite antisocial. My relatives stayed over one night. So all night he sat next to their bed, not letting them sleep, meowing at the top of his lungs – I’m guessing telling them politely to go away. And Auggy is a pretty name for that rascal!
Any big/exciting new projects on the horizon for 2018?
Yes! We’re inviting other artists who work in different styles to join our project. It’s personally very important for me to support independent illustrators. So I hope you’ll see new faces on our website soon! We’re also planning to launch new books, t-shirts and other products. We’re very proud of it.
If Augustus was a famous celebrity…who would he most likely be?
He’d definitely be Nick Offerman who is very serious but also has this ridiculous laughter.
What would you like to say to all your many adoring fans around the world?
I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am to all of you. I am able do what I love only thanks to your support and love. And also thank you for all your emails, messages and comments. If my silly doodles can make at least one person smile and help make their day better, it’s the greatest accomplishment for me and a drive to go further.

Read more about Landysh’s bio here.
Finally, we asked her to share a few of her favorite illustrations…here they are. Need we say more? >^..^<

A very special ‘thanks’ to Landysh, Asia and her team for brightening our days! Be sure to check out (and follow) their pawsome IG feed @lingvistov
My cats name is Tyrion and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because: the more cats we have around here the better it is!
My cats names are Patsy & Eddie and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because without this pawesome cat calendar us pawrents might forget their birthdays and then we’ll need the book to avoid the stinkeye treatment and a cat t-shirt to make us feel less guilty!
My cat’s name is Domino and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because the entire universe exists for him so all gifts exist for him!
My cats name is Foxy and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we want and need more cat-themed items in our purrfect home!
My cats name is Ozzie and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we are quite the collector of cat art.
My cats names are Minos, Achilles & Atticus and they think they deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because a lot of these illustrations and things look like it could be our biography, and we would be proud to show that off!
My cats (official) names are Mimi and Graycie and they think they deserve to win one of these gifts because, let’s face it, they’re cats and they know it (well, at least Graycie is a cat and she knows it; Mimi thinks she’s a human with excessive follicles).
My cats’ names are Psyco (yes, spelled incorrectly), Juneau, Ember, and Ghost and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because their mom is a crazy cat lady who supports the local cat rescue that is currently building a shelter to house FIV, FeLV cats, and a nursery.
I have 12 elderly cats I shelter, and I feed a couple of feral colonies. Their names are Special, Mir, ClickClick, Tina, Miss Kitty, Mama Girl, GinGin, Whitie, Jeffrey, Cindy, Itty Bitty, and Little Fella. I am the picture of this me at 60.
You are awesome thanks for taking care of those for babies. I currently have 30 that I am caring for inside and out. I’ve done TNR in my area for 2 years now. Thank you for doing what you do.
My cat’s name is LaDiva and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she feels we both need something to cheer us up after the recent demise of her step-sister, Paquita!
My cats name is Kitty and he/she thinks the wall calender would be great too !
My cat’s name if Buford. He’s a big tough guy that loves me but not many others.
My cats name is George George of the jungle he thinks we deserve to win because the snakes I’ve brought in the house aren’t quite the prizes mom was thinking about.
May I point out that your cat’s name is missing 1 “George”? You’re welcome 😜
My cat’s name is Romeo and he deserves to win one of these wonderful prizes because he looks like the grey cat that’s illustrated and with the same mannerisms.
My cats name is Wilbur and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because his mom works at a vet clinic and would love to win a tshirt that she could wear to work
My cat’s name is Sherlock and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because as a lifelong cat lover and veterinarian, I really appreciate these illustrations…….I live some version of at least one of them every day. (looking at the cat butt in the face in bed as probably the prime example.
My cat’s name is Otto and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because it is not a good moment for the both of us. He is ill and I am sad 😑
My cat’s name is Retro and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because t-shirts are very nice to sit on, books are wonderful to rub chins on, and calendars have at least 12 pictures (no reading required).
My cats name is Gin and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she is 90% fluff and 10% curiosity about anyone or anything – especially stylish cat things.
My cat’s name is Bailey and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she thinks she is some kind of deity deserving the finest offrands.
My cats name is Skye and we deserve to win because she is the most purr- ecious baby in my life. She chose me 6 months ago as her new human to love her and take care of her when I went to the shelter to find my purr- fect birthday gift !
My cats name is Millie and we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because it would please her. And a pleased Millie would stop ripping my jeans to pieces, that damn cute little tiger 😅
My cat’s name is Jake and he thins we should win one of these purrfect gifts because he love Landysh’s work. It speaks to him on a spiritual level. He also feels as though Landysh is telling his story through her illustrations.
Among my three amazing “mature” cats, “My cat’s name is Elvis and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because calendars are always in demand here, and that Cat Ninja is something I want to engrave on the hand of everyone to whom it applies.” And HOW, Elvis.
My cats name is Sweets and he/she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she is the sweetest little gal and loves to sit in my lap while i read.
My cats names are Brum and Xena (yeah, she’s a princess warrior😼) and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because:
1. We’re pawsome
2. You’re pawsome
3. Our humom is an English teacher and she could totally use the gifts to teach her students some purrfect English and most importantly earn some money to buy us morrrrrrre cat treats😁
My cat’s name is Federico and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrrfect gifts because he is just a round ball of chubby happiness who is blind of one eye and is very clumsy.
My cats name is Snezok (snow in Russian) and he thinks we deserve to win one of theese purffect gifts bacause we are your real fans in Facebook and following you in Instagram, your illustrations make us smile every day and we are sharing it with our friends as we believe that everyone deserves a smile and at least one purffect friend
My cats name is Kitty and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she enjoys incredibly difficult quandaries like which prize to choose if we’re lucky enough to win one.
My cats names are Sweetie and Cookie and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because they think they’re reincarnated princesses who deserve to be spoiled rotten.
Hello, my kids names are Miss Lola, Miss Sumatra, Batman, and last but never least, Mr. Shoshoni. I believe I should have a chance to win because my 4 kids are all rescue dump jobs. They think I rescued them, but they also rescued me. I’ve been rescuing cats for over 25 years. I’ve experienced and continue to experience so much love, but also so much heartache. If I don’t have cats in my life I feel completely without purpose in my life.
My cats name is Ruby and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she is a princess and knows she should win, and by the expression on her face we’d better win or I will be getting abused.
My cat’s name is Oliver and I think we should have the book because this sounds like Oliver’s twin. He has done most of these stunts. he is a 1 yr old rescue kitty who is now living the life, and waking me up when he gets up-one of his favorite. And I can see myself as the crazy cat lady at 60-although I am one now!
My cats name are Batman and Robin and they thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because they need constant reminders that they are totally awesome so they can continue to fight crime!!
My baby’s(cats) name is Sasha.
I think we deserve to win an awesome prize because she helped
heal my broken heart after I lost my other cat last Christmas. I never knew cats gave so much love and entertainment!
My cat’s name is Rikki Bobbie and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because there are days he regrets giving up the rough and tumble days of being a feral kitten just six months ago. Then again, he doesn’t really regret it. He loves torturing his new cat, dog and human family and driving us all nuts. And his Cat Mom would really love winning one of these fine cat themed prizes.
My cats names are Timothy Winford and Jack Moose. I think Winford would love if his mom won the Tshirt beacuse that means I get to curl up on it and take a nap on it, I love leaving my fur on her clothes, they are the best beds ever!
My cat’s name is Wisteria, and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she is a secret covert ops agent, and pawtects the meowborhood from meowrauding lizards, bugs, squirrels, and the occasional duck. She started her agency on a shoestring shortly after the surgeon had removed it from her intestines. As her meowmmy, I am a pawtner in her enterprise, but she makes all the meowjor decisions.
My cat’s name is Chloe & she deserves to win a prize because she brings sweetness & sunshine into my life every day. She is such a special friend & deserves the best of everything 🙂
My cats name is Cookie and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she never has enough clothes to roll in and sleep on, and because she definitely knows how to read a calendar, as she yells at me if I don’t stay at home for the week-end, and because she loves books since they allow her to do some yoga on my laps while I’m reading ^^
My cats name is Captain Beefheart and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he needs other cats to be competitive with.
My cats name is Mochi and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she deserves to be spoiled like our dogs.
My cat’s name is Kattouss and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we are always fighting together to have the seat with the sheep wool cover. She thinks that maybe the calendar will be a nice diversion so she can have the seat for herself.
My cats names are Miss Pretty Whiskers, Caramel, Toffee, Eben, Snooch, Rumi, Nadia and Mona and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we are loving cat parents who provide plenty of snuggles, good food, toys and attention. They have trained us well in the fine art of cat worship.
My cat’s name is Ushie and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because whether one of them is on a table or couch, it would be a good thing to lay on! 😂 LOL We also believe that Landysh could also draw a Calico cat from time to time (that’s what Ushie is). Love the illustrations and comments! Keep being entertaining and funny!
My cat’s name is Meilin and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she’s the BOSS and what she says goes!
Mellow Yellow here, speaking for my human. She rescued me as an 8-week old very sick feral. We would like to win a t-shirt to bring laughs to the streets of our small, very cat oriented town and to always bring awareness to others as how much love and affection pets bring to our humans
My cat’s name is Rapunzel and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because the world should give her whatever she wants.
My kitties-Mickie (from trash can-2 wks. old), Joie (forest fire 6-wks.), Louie (over crowding 3 mo.) all rescue from terrible areas -all of them need to win one of those puurrrfect gifts to share because they know some ASL (American Sign Language) and hear for me things because I’m Deaf and a kitty whisperer .
My cats names are Yin and Yang and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we started out in life as two kittens that were thrown into a plastic bag and just thrown out of a truck onto the street. Our cat mother was very kind and gave us a home where we are spoiled rotten. At least we come first in someone’s life.
My cat’s name is Ezmarelda (Ezzy to her closest friends) and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she thinks I’d look marvelous in a cat t-shirt!
My cat’s name is Mitzi and she thinks we deserve to win as she is tired of lecturing me on her species and she thinks this book explains her royal species to me purrfectly!
My cat’s name is Claudie. She thinks she deserves to win one of these wonderful prizes because each day she is a little less frightened. (She came from a hoarding situation.) Each new day, she hides less and less and spends more time with me. She is now able to greet visitors who have soft, low voices, and she is the most beautiful cat in the world.
my cat’s name is Midnight and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she needs a new t-shirt to get black fur over. she deserves a little extra since her sister passed away.
My cats name is Whiskers and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we can never have enough cat items in the house.
My cats name is Luna and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she wants to make me, her meowmy, happy. And whatever Luna wants, Luna gets. She’s the boss. Definitely.
And you can see Luna’s face on her Instagram: @luna_._moonchild or on my page @sabrinabracadabra 🙂
My cats’ names are Kit and Caboodle and the brothers think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because they are two wild and crazy guys!
My cat’s name is Popcorn and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because cats rule and hoomans in his neighborhood need to know that!
Our cat’s name is Mr.Bojangles and he thinks he deserves to win one of these purrfect gifts because he believes that his hoomans can’t have anything nice anymore
My grandcat’s name is Minka and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she thinks you have been drawing her and her life.
My cats name is Cassie and she thinks we deserves to win one of the purrfect gifts because my mom needs a cat shirt to make her look superb cute like me.
My cats name is Mango (and Tigger, Cody, Milo, Sophia, Belle, Mia and Purrcilla) and he/she (4 of each!) thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because you can never have too much cat stuff!!! We’d LOVE the calendar!! To mark down all of the modeling jobs, charity events, fashion shows, etc that my 3 model kitties go to!
My cats name is Cheer and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he does know what it is but that makes it even more desirable.
My cat’s name is Vasia and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because there’s gotta be some reward for staying with our family for seven years and counting!
My cat’s name is Maia, and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we’re purrfect, duh, so laws of attraction and such. You’re pawsome, we’re pawsome, it’s a match!
My cats name is Kitkat and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he thinks Landysh has been ghostwriting his autobiography in comic form and thinks she has been doing the most purrfect job!
My cat’s name is Rosie and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she was a teen mom (lol she was 6 months old) in a high kill shelter with her babies and was scheduled for death, her babies were very small and they didn’t want to put the effort in. My rescue who I volunteer for saved them all. Rosie is now my sweet baby love and deserves a lovely gift (her babies all grown and in good homes)
Hello I 4 outdoor cats and thtee indoor cats, their names are,fric and frac, kitten brothers,princess meredith, their sister from another father.My cats deserve to win contest they all have their diffetent personalities very amusing to watch,I even have one cats who likes to.bite my toes and feet when im asleep and she liiterally was kissing my ass one nice while I was on phone. Please considerthem thanks
Our mom takes care of us very nicely, and a sister (cat no. 5) was added last Sunday, a pre Halloween save of a black cat. BUT, we need a calendar just for us, since, we have 5 different annual visits to the Vet to schedule each year. Daddy is disabled & has 8 doctor visits per year on his calendar & mom has many as well. They are fine & give us excellent care, but all thos schedule dates can be confusing, so our own calendar would be great. Thank you, Alabrys, Mr. Stumper, Redeaux, Hank & Abracadabra
Floyd Approves the idea of encouraging His human for her four years of serving. Carry on.
My cats names are Moochie, Lycan, Bella and BB and they (she’s) thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because they are Dutch and the Netherlands has more cats than people!
My cats name is Puma and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she took all my money and spent it on treats..
My cats names are Paprika, Zuiki, Kuro Chan And Yoda. They say I must win because they are simply fabulous and make my life full of joy and smiles.
My cats names are Mumu and Drax and they think we deserve to win one of those purrrfect books because they need more offering to keep them pleased so I can get cat snuggles and maybe someday get to touch the holy fluffy tummy!!! (The highest of all honors)
My cats name is Cl. Camouflage and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because
who wouldn’t want these claw-some things. Especially get hooked in the cat book.
My cats name is Thomas and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we are the best parents in the whole wide world! 😻
My cats name is Carlotta and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we need more cat related items in our home 🙂
My cat’s name is Bobesch and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he loves ordering me around and approves of beautiful cat content as much as I do 🙂
My cats name is Nixon and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he is my master and needs his slave to be happy and needs to be encouragaged as his 18th birthday is fast approaching (November 25th).
My name is Donna and my cats are Delilah, kit kat, Lilly, Daisy and Dusty – I COULDNT STOP LAUGHING. Anyone who knows me knows me AND my cats – I have 5, 4 girls and a boy and “Dusty” my baby boy thinks it’s our time to shine and shout! We want to win! We want to win! We are just doing over the kitchen and see a place that would be purrrfect for our calender.
My cats’ names’ are: Socks, Montique, Turk, Tigger, Sunny, Morley (last 4 are brothers) Sebastian, Mr. T., Mittens, Anastashia, Jasmine, Butch, Cassidy, Stormy, and Kitkit (last is feral), they are all rescue kitties, who came to me. They all think we deserve one of your purrfect gifts; because they never think they have enough cat items; and we have to move into my sister’s home to take care of her; because she was just diagnosed with demensia (and she has 2 big dogs); so we will be living in the lower level, to be safe from them. Thank you for listening to our story. =^..^=
My Cats Names are Rio and Miss Mia a delightful pair of fun, fur babies and we all think they deserve to win one of your lovely Gifts as we have just move and would make our new place just Purrfect ………
My cats’ names are Tonks and Baby Reese and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because they are the perfect embodiment of this sense of humor and capturing of funny cat quirks!
My cat’s name is Tigger and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because his momma (me) has a birthday on November 6 and he knows that momma will appreciate one of your beautiful cat-themed prizes. Momma loves him lots, appreciates that he helped bring out those loving and joyful feelings from deep within her, and she’ll keep him furr-most on her mind with one of the prizes. He’s 64 years old in human years, you know.
Rupert and Clemmie hope we win as they think their mum’s well in the way to looking like you think you will do when you’re 60. She looks after us beautifully and the older she gets the more fun it is for all of us. We love Augustus and do a lot of the same things as he does.
My cats name are Tiger, Max and Miss Molly Malone. They thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because Tiger can relate to Auggie. Molly is a crazy as it gets and Max just want to be around me all the time!
I have been blessed with two cats. One is dominant and the other slightly neurotic. We are a great family and and yet they do not understand who messes must clean but they watch me clean and support me. I had never had cats but am learning and proud to be their mom. They would tell you they love me but all the conversations we have get old.
My cats name is Lačplesis and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because cats should become useful.
My cats name is Romeo and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he is running out of things to sleep on.
My cat’s name is Jacob and he thinks he deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because it’s what he thinks, we can’t do anything about that so give him the prize before he destroy the world
My cat’s name is Yuki and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she loves me so much that she would like to make me happy!
Muy cat’s name is Goose and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because having thousands of his white hairs in my black dresses is not good enough Christmas present.
My cats’ names are Shadow, Shiloh, and Marty, and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because they know that I love cats more than people!
My cats name are Romey and Mokey and he/she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because any of these creations are purrsome. Without a calendar where would she be besides with us, oh mewos tracking all those dates she’ll be volunteering as she says but we call it cheating on us looking and hugging at other kitties wearing a Lingvistov shirt.
My cat’s name is Midas and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because who wouldn’t want to sleep in a cat shirt with a cat book next to their head and a cat calendar hanging on the wall (not that we can have ALL three, but a cat can dream).
My cats name is Lady Jynx and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she needs a calendar to keep track of when to feed me, she may need a new t-shirt for me to cozy up against, or she might need a new bedtime story to read to me… I’m getting sick of ‘the cat in the hat’.
My cat’s name is Hootie and he thinks we deserve to win one of the 2018 wall calendars because there’s a ferret calendar on the wall now for 2017, about eye-level with his favorite perch, and I think he’s getting sick of staring at ferrets!
My cat’s name is Mila and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she deserves to win a prize. Mila is a scaredy cat, and she lived in a zoo for two years before rescuers came and took her. She is terrified of people and the outdoors. She was my first cat since my lifetime best friend kitty passed away. She and I are both overcoming our challenges together. She’s becoming more comfortable around new people, and I’m connecting more with another cat. It’s a fantastic relationship, and winning a prize would be physical proof that we can all conquer our goals and grow with the help of our furry best friends.
My cats names are Asher and Leo and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because, duh, cats are pawsome and we patiently tolerate the mamarazzi every day!
My cats name is Loulou and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because it will be a good place to sit and take a nap! 😻
My cat’s name is Murphy and he thinks HE deserves to win one of these purrfect gifts because he is simply fabulous,
but qustions as to whether I deserve to win as I am currently out of his favorite treat and not acceeding to his quite vocal demands to make his treats appear out of thin air or drive immediately to the store to pick some up for him. 😉
My cats name is Micky and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because the gifts are the only way to start 2018 as a Micky’s year! So he become the coolest cat in the street 🙂
My cats are named Catherine, Cyrus, Onyx, Tucker, Gypsy, Emily, Erika, Kiowa, Daisy Mae, Freddie, Buddie, Jaezibel, Louis Patton, W’Rossalita Melania, and Prestone. They believe Mom needs to win the contest So she can have a wall calendar with more Funny cat cartoons cause the kittens are all grown up and lazy now. Oh and Catherine says Mom should win a gift cause she is named after the Russian Empress Catherine II.
My cats name are Elvira, and Nymeria, and they thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because Nymeria already thinks you created the naughty ones all for her – they fit her to a T, and make her human mama laugh a lot when she can relate so well!
My cats names are Elvira, and Nymeria, and they thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because Nymeria already thinks you created the naughty ones all for her – they fit her to a T, and make her human mama laugh a lot when she can relate so well!
My cat’s name is Beau and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because after being adopted from a laboratory and into a loving home, he slowly learned his life is no longer about being poked and prodded and then being put back into a kennel, but instead is about joyfully sitting on laptops, lying on top of papers, putting his butt in people’s faces, napping wherever he pleases, and snuggling with his humans and two best feline friends, Mogget and Arthur.
My cats name is [Cupcake] and he/she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because [she is soooo worth it].
My cats name is Seuss and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because mommy deserves a treat sometimes, too!
My cats name is Gobo (IG: gobo_tabbycat) and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because the illustrations are simply furrbulous and we can totally relate to August (Meow) especially about the sofa.
My cats name is Luna and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she thinks these comics are clearly about her and Landysh would be so excited to give gifts to her muse and idol.
I, Marvelous, wish I lived in the US, but I do not!
But I will say that I LOVE how Landysh has managed to capture the essence of catness and distill it into the purrfect presentations!
My cats name is Liam and he, along with his 5 feline siblings, thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we live and love these scenarios on a daily basis. Life is so much fuller when you share it with cats.
My cats name is fluffy and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because the little dear believes that your cartoons are absolutely furtastic! And absolutely loves seeing other cats, whether that is on tv, YouTube or simply on a book!
My cats name is Selma (as Patty and Selma from the Simpsons) and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because when her mommy is happy Selma is happy too and when Selma is happy, her mommy is happy :).
Good luck fellow cat lovers 🙂
My cats’ names are Sally & Oscar, and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because cats are the best animal companions in the world, and a cat calendar would remind us of this every day.
My cat’s name is Nonae and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he works very hard at being my unofficial therapy (I struggle with military related PTSD) cat, and brings me great joy.
My cats namesare Odie and Reggie and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because it would please the royal princes very much. Also, the can use some fresh ideas!
My cats name is Kimba and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because it makes her actions seem purrfectly normal
My cats name is Mocha and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because it’s her world, and I’m just her staff living in it.
My cat’s name is Ivan and he does not think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he is the one being sweet and patient while our 1yo and 3yo daughters “play” with him and he would not get anything out of this.
My cats names are Mus and Àgora and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because the shirts are an excellent place to cuddle up to sleep on cold winter nights 🙂
My cat’s name is Ellie and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because we don’t pussyfoot around when it comes to funny stuff, and we think Landysh and Auggy are pretty a-mew-sing. As the saying goes “laughter is the mew-sic of the heart” and Ellie thinks those who make us laugh are litter-ally a gift to meowkind. If we are lucky enough to win one of these treasures, Ellie would choose the book so we could read it over and over and laugh until our whiskers hurt.
My cats name is Bear Bear and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she has the best clingy-poo butt poos in the world. This is in reference to the after-litter-box poo when a little bit of dry poo gets stuck to her butt fur. It dries perfectly so that it never smears or smells but drops off and lands wherever it pleases. Then I don’t know if its a raisin, a cranberry, a piece of dried meat or an after-litter box poo fossil. See? It even disguises itself. Bear Bear agrees: she is the best.
My cats name is Harley and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because it would show how much her mom loves her by reading a cat story to her, wearing a T-shirt with cats on it and keeping a calendar of out playdates together.
My cats name is Luda and he thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he was rescued from the shelter by his purrfect new staff (we won’t mention how bad the old ones were) and is living a purrfect life of cat leisure and he wants to reward his staff for their good (but not purrfect, because nothing is ever purrfect for a cat) service.
My cat’s name is Inky and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she knows she is sheer purrfection. Inky, her mom and siblings adopted me the day they were born with Bella bringing the newborn one kitten at a time to a person she knew would offer refuge after her owner died and the family abandoned the property. I cannnot imagine life without our furry children.
My cats name is Oliver Queen and he/she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because he won’t fail to be friendly or cuddle with you since he saved my heart and soul. Ever since he came into my and my husband’s life, he has made me more patient and given me soo much love. If you pick Ollie, he will not fail to be your friend!
My cats names ARE MUNCHKIN, PRECIOUS AND JOJO and THEY ALL think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because there can never be too many cat in any one place at any time and their mission is to make our home the kitty palace of all time!!!
My cats name is Squeak and she thinks we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because she is 18 years old.
My cats name are Miss Molly (13) and Sophie (5) and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because our home is their home but we live by their rules! Both were adopted with love and to win would be out gift to them for all the love they give us back!
My cat’s name is Star and she thinks we deserve to get one of those purrfect gifts because she knows the love I have for her and she wants me to get the T-shirt for me to wear the T-shirt and always remember her when I have to leave. she’s not with me it’s going to be like I’m taking a piece of it with me because the shirt has the cat design and reminds me of my cat and I love Landysh and Augustus I think it’s beautiful her illustrations and me and my cat are we have identified a lot with Landysh and Augustus
My cats names are Atticus and Artemis and they think we deserve to win one of these purrfect gifts because their mom has been spending some time away from the house lately and they are feeling a bit neglected!
My cat name is Monroe and HE think we deserve to win one of those gifts because HE SAID SO. Sorry he is THE 🐈
Thank you for this calendar – it’s the cutest thing ever!!