Cats May Love Boxes … But So Do We!

Earlier this month we were excited to receive a great big box (more specifically a Ceva Cat BabbleBoxx) in the mail that was chock full ‘o paw-some cat products from Catego™ and Feliway®.  Nicely packaged too!

Even cooler was the fact that they had put a dotted line on the front of the box which just needed to be cut out to create a window and turn this ordinary (but very nicely decorated) box into a Cat Castle!  Kitty heaven!  >^..^<

Inside our Ceva Cat box we found the following Feliway® goodies:

Feliway® MultiCat Diffuser
Feliway® Wipes
Feliway® Spray
A snuggly Feliway® toy

Feliway® Products

Feliway® is a copy of the natural feline facial pheromone. When cats feel safe in their environment, they rub their heads on household items such as furniture, depositing this pheromone. These marks help them feel more secure and is recognized by all cats.

Feliway® comes in several forms … a Feliway® Spray that can be applied to your cat’s bedding or favorite toy to reduce stress at home and Feliway® Wipes which are purrfect for traveling. Simply wipe down the inside of your cat’s carrier to provide comfort while on the go.

The benefits include:

• It creates a state of familiarity and security, which helps to comfort and reassure cats as they cope with a challenging situation
• It can help in the reduction or elimination of unwanted stress-related behaviors such as hiding, scratching and urine spraying
• It’ss non-sedating, non-systemic and has no contraindications to use with any other treatments or conditions
• During clinical trials it helped reduce urine spraying in 9 out of 10 cats within 1 month and helped reduce scratching in 8 out of 10 cats in as little as 7 days
• Clinical studies alsow showed that Feliway® helps cats to adjust to new surroundings after moving or while traveling and can help eliminate urine spraying and running away when their environments change

One of our cats hates the car ride for his vet visits.  We had the opportunity to try the Feliway® Wipes during the trip and it made a huge difference. He was so much calmer and more relaxed. Two paws up!

Feliway® MultiCat is a copy of the natural appeasing pheromone that is produced by mother cats. This pheromone promotes bonding and helps calm cats for better socialization and harmony. Once your cats start to get along, you might see signs of affiliative behavior, such as willingness to interact, resting in close proximity to each other or sharing space and resources. Your cats may even groom each other or rub their faces together to exchange their own bonding pheromones.

Feliway® is available through your veterinarian. To find a Feliway® veterinarian near you visit

[clickToTweet tweet=”Love your kitty? Then check out these paw-some cat products from Catego™ and Feliway® ” quote=”Love your kitty? Then check out these paw-some cat products from Catego™ and Feliway® “]

Our Ceva Cat box also had the following Catego™ goodies…

Catego™ topical treatment
A signed copy of the book “Disciplined Dreaming: A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity”
A Catego™ coffee mug, journal and pen

Catego™ Products

Catego™ is an effective monthly prevention and treatment of fleas, ticks and chewing lice for cats and kittens. Many people don’t realize but even if you have an indoor cat, parasites can find their way into your home through other living and breathing things.  Apply the Catego™ topical treatment monthly to protect your cat from harmful parasites such as fleas, ticks and lice. With just one application, protection lasts for one full month.

Here’s the handy 3-pack of Catego™ which is now going to be a regular part of our cats health regimen.

This was the signed copy of Disciplined Dreaming and the paw-some Catego™ coffee mug, journal and pen.

Catego™ is currently available through Amazon and veterinarians, plus it will soon be available at PetSmart. To find where to buy near you check out

As you can see in the photos below, our kitty meowdol was purrty impressed too!

OK, we’re not not gonna lie…this kinda felt like an early Cat Christmas … we could get used to getting goody boxes like this more often!

This post is sponsored by Single Edition Media on behalf of Ceva Cat.

One Response

  1. Debbie Lyons July 12, 2019

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